Turnkey Offshore WAS Cutting Spread

ANT’s turnkey Offshore WAS Cutting Spread is a complete modular system for offshore abrasive cutting operations using Water Abrasive Suspension (WAS) cutting technology. It consists of various components and can be individually tailored to the customer’s requirements.

Core components of our standard offshore cutting spread are different types of Downhole Cutting Heads (DCH 1, DCH 2, DCH 3 and DCH 4), Pile Cutting Head (PCH), optional dewatering systems CAir DCH 1 and CAir DCH 2, the AMU TWIN 2500-100 System, the Umbilical Reel Winch System, compressor, hydraulic power unit and control system, 3S Cut Verification System, high pressure pump, workshop container and abrasive container.

  • Turnkey WAS cutting spread
  • Small footprint
  • Modular tools
  • Smart monitoring system
  • High quality materials
  • Reliable and proven technology

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Liam Toovey Business Development Manager

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Demilitarisierung – Demontage von Munition mit Wasserstrahltechnologie

Unser autarkes MACE-System (Mobile Abrasive Cutting Equipment) bietet eine flexible, prozesssichere Lösung für die Handhabung von Blindgängern, großen Sprengkörpern und komplexen Munitionsdesigns. Dank der schnellen Mobilisierung und einfachen Installation sind unsere Systeme ideal für den Einsatz vor Ort, selbst in abgelegenen oder anspruchsvollen Umgebungen.