Team assistance Svenja Behrens

ANT says “Glad you’re here, Svenja!”. In the interview, the trained hotel manageress reveals how she got started at ANT AG with her qualifications and how she balances family and career.

Please introduce yourself briefly and describe your job at ANT AG.

My name is Svenja, I am 31 years old, married and mum to two wonderful girls.

I was hired as a Team Assistant at ANT AG. My field of responsibility is very large and incredibly varied. To list everything would go beyond the scope, so here is a short excerpt: I manage the reception, take incoming calls, both in German and English and act as an interface. Incoming mail and hospitality for clients, partners and service providers also fall within my remit. I prepare the staff’s trips, book the flights and the hotels.

How did you come to ANT AG?

Through a private tip that someone was being sought and the job advertisement was not yet public. The requirements suited me and my previous activities, so I jumped at the chance.

What did you do before?

I am a trained hotel manageress and completed my training in a renowned hotel. After I was taken on there, I wanted to reorient myself and travelled to Australia for a stay abroad. Afterwards I returned to the hotel industry. Finally, I became a mum and wanted to take on a new challenge after my parental leave.

What tasks were you hired for back then?

Even then, I had a wide range of tasks: mainly office organisation, reception, invoice receipt and supporting colleagues.

What do you do today?

In the meantime, my responsibilities have grown to include travel management, fleet management with insurance, and I have also taken over the management of work clothes.

What do you particularly like about your tasks?

Structured work, independent time management and working independently on my tasks.

And what do you particularly like about ANT AG?

The fact that I can determine my own working hours during core working hours. That helps me a lot in my everyday family life. Also the quick and easy consultation with the supervisor at eye level.

What qualities do you think new colleagues should have for this position?

Independent work, willingness to take responsibility and organisational talent – a real all-round talent.

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