3S Cut Verification System

ANT | 3s Cut Verification System OG

Das 3S Cut Verification System ermöglicht die Echtzeit-Überwachung und volle Kontrolle von Schnitten, die mit einem DCH oder PCH in einem Multistring-Casing, Rohr oder Pfeiler durchgeführt werden.

Camera System with Video Panel

ANT | Kamerasystem OG

For optimized monitoring and control of the cutting process: discover our Camera System with Video Panel as an optional accessory for MACE and miniMACE.


EOD Trailer mit den Komponenten AMU, HPP, Hydraulik und weiteren Manipulatoren

For enormous time savings during bomb disposal operations: We offer the EOD Trailer as a mobile all-in-one solution as an accessory for MACE and MACE XL.

Umbilical Reel Winch System

Umbilical Reel Winch System OG

Offshore Accessories The umbilical reel winch system with gooseneck is suitable for up to 350m umbilical. It is safe and robust and equipped with a spooling module. The gooseneck completes the umbilical reel winch with its safe guiding rail. In addition, the frame is certified according to DNV 2.7-1. The umbilical reel winch system is […]

Drum Reel Device

Simple and quick winding of 100 m cable and hose: The Drum Reel Device is an optional accessory for MACE and miniMACE.

Bomb Support Ring

Bomb Support Ring

To fix and lift a bomb to be defused for 500 lb or 1000 lb: discover our support ring as an optional accessory for MACE.

Surfix Spindle Cutter

Allows to cut the spindle before cutting off a fuse: discover our Surfix Spindle Cutter as an optional accessory for MACE.

Hinged Foot

As an optional accessory for MACE, our Hinged Foot offers you flexible optimized positioning on a small footprint.

MACE Hydraulic System

ANT | Hydraulikaggregat OG

The MACE hydraulic system is required for effective control of cutting devices of the Water Abrasive Suspension (WAS) cutting unit MACE.